Eleventy Notes

Writing Notes

Now that the template is ready, you can create your first note. Go ahead and create a new file My Note.md in the root of the project.

<!-- /My Note.md -->

# Hello World

This is your first note

All your notes are Markdown files using .md as file extension. You can use the default Markdown syntax and front matter.

Front Matter

Front matter is a way to add metadata to your notes. It's a YAML block at the top of your note. You can use it to add a title, sort order, tags, and more.

title: My Note

This is my note.

File names

You can name your files however you want, whether it's a technical name like my-note.md or a more human-readable name like My Note.md. We recommend using a human-readable name for your notes. It makes working with Wikilinks easier. For URLs, we'll automatically convert the name to a URL-friendly format.


You can create folders to organize your notes. Create a new folder My Folder in the root of the project and create a new file My Note.md in the folder.

<!-- /My Folder/My Note.md -->

# Folders

This is a note in a subfolder.

It's up to you how you organize your notes. You can create as many folders as you want or use a flat structure. We recommend using a flat structure for your personal notes and Tags to organize them.