Eleventy Notes


The sidebar with the main navigation of the app shows links to the start page, your notes, the search and more.

Start page

The first link in the sidebar is always the start page. The start page is the first page that is shown when you open the app. See Start page for more information.

You can add additional links to the sidebar, which are shown in the first section after the main navigation. For example, you can link to your website or social profiles. These links should be external links and not point to notes. Configure them in the app.json file:

// /app.json
"sidebar": {
"links": [
// The url of the website
"url": "https://github.com/rothsandro/eleventy-notes",

// The visible label of the link
"label": "GitHub",

// The icon name
// For a list of available icons, see https://feathericons.com/
"icon": "github",

// If the link should open in a new tab (optional)
// Default: true
"openInNewTab": false

For a list of available icons visit feathericons.com.


If you add a note as Favorite, a new section Favorites will automatically appear in the sidebar, showing all your favorites.


When you start using tags, the sidebar will render all of your tags. For each tag there is a separate page that lists all notes with the given tag.


Without configuration, the sidebar shows all your notes in a single group. You can customize the sidebar to show notes in different groups. You can filter notes based on their location, name and tags.

Configuration API

In the app.json file, you can configure the sidebar to show notes in different groups. The following configuration shows all available options:

// /app.json
"sidebar": {
// See "Additional links" above
"links": [],

// A list of groups shown in the sidebar
"notes": [
// A label for the group.
"label": "Archive",

// A RegEx pattern to filter files by path + name
// The pattern is case-insensitive.
"pattern": ".",

// A list of tags to filter the notes.
// Notes that have at least one of these tags are shown.
"tags": ["one", "two"]

Example: All notes

If you want to show all your notes in a single group, add an empty group without a filter. You can also omit the notes property completely which will use the default configuration:

"sidebar": {
"notes": [{}]

Example: Notes in root

Here is an example that shows all notes in the root. Notes in subfolders are excluded:

"sidebar": {
"notes": [
"pattern": "^/[^/]+$"

Example: Notes in subfolder

The following group renders all notes of the subfolder "Example":

"sidebar": {
"notes": [
"label": "Example",
"pattern": "^/Example/"


All notes are sorted ascending by their display name (which is either the title, if specified, or the file name). You can customize the order of specific notes by adding a sort property.

sort: 1

My Note